TLC Local Offer
What is the local offer?
The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents, carers and young people to see more clearly what services are available to them in their local area and how to access them. It covers provision for children and young people from birth to 25 and includes information on education, health and social care services.
What does it mean to me?
At Treetops School our local offer shows what support and services we have throughout the school for children and young people. It extends to other services and links to the local authority local offer so that our families can see what is available to them in the local area.
Treetops School is characterised by high expectations for all pupils, regardless of learning difficulty or disability. There is a well-established innovative curriculum informed by careful and thorough assessment that supports the personalised learning for each pupil. At the core of the curriculum is an emphasis on the development of communication skills. The personal and social development of pupils underpins every interaction within the school, ensuring that all pupils are treated with dignity and respect.
The work of the school has been validated by a number of external awards. The school has been rated Outstanding in the last three inspections (2007, 2010 and 2014)
How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
Our staff meet with current school teachers before your child joins the school to discuss the needs of each child. Your child’s progress is then monitored throughout their time at the school and support plans are put in place if children do not make expected levels of progress.
Teachers and support staff will share any concerns regarding your child with senior staff, who will carry out further assessments (formal and informal) and liaise with other professionals where appropriate. Similarly, if you have any concerns you should contact your child’s teacher via the school phone number or by email to
How will school staff support my child?
We are an inclusive school with a strong commitment to meeting the needs of all our pupils. The school tries to ensure that lessons include a range of tasks and extra curricula activities and are accessible to all pupils. We also provide a range of additional support for pupils who have been identified as having additional needs. This might include:
Small groups to target things such as literacy and numeracy.
In-class support across the curriculum.
Social skills groups.
Behaviour, emotional, social development projects; or
Support with homework.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All teachers are responsible for using a range of strategies and resources to make sure that pupils enjoy and achieve within their classrooms e.g. resources using symbols, and the use of ICT software to support writing or writing frames. Specialist equipment is also provided for specialist needs such as sight or hearing impairment.
How will I know how my child is doing?
We track your child’s progress on an ongoing basis and take action when pupils are not making the expected progress.
You will receive regular reports and will be invited to attend meetings to discuss your child’s progress. The class teacher is available to meet you at each of these meetings. Pupils will also have a SEND statement and/or an EHC plan and will have an annual review meeting to discuss arrangements and progress.
Additional meetings are available by request via the class teacher and for pupils with a high level of need, regular contact can be arranged.
What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
We are committed to helping all children stay safe and healthy and enjoy their time at the school, and to help them to grow into mature and caring young people who make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community.
Class teams will provide additional support for pupils with identified behavioural, emotional and social needs. The team, where necessary, can access help from a school counsellor, school nurse and advisers from the local authority including Educational Psychologists, who come into the school on a regular basis. They may also refer to other agencies for pupil and family support. The designated teacher has responsibility for child protection and looked after children.
Young people are encouraged to contribute their views on school life. All pupils can give their views to the school council representatives.
Treetops staff work with staff from outside the school to support teachers in devising a range of tasks and methods of working to support all pupils. We work closely with the local authority and feeder schools to ensure that the curriculum is matched to your child’s specific needs.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
We have access to the full range of LA specialist services in education; health and social care as outlined in the LA local offer.
All staff at Treetops School take part in a variety of specialist training on a regular basis. Most staff are trained in manual handling, and pupils who have specific medical needs have a care plan. Staff are trained to meet individual care needs which include gastrostomy feeding, use of epipen and administration of buccal medazolin. Staff are trained, as necessary, in the management of epilepsy and there are trained first aiders in each area of the school. There are paediatric first aiders in the early years’ team. Communication training includes Signalong and Elklan speech and language programmes. Treetops has a specialist Sensory and Communication team which includes 3 full time Speech and Language Therapists and a part time assistant. There are health teams based at the school during the week including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing team. Clinics are also held regularly at the school.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
All pupils at Treetops School have access to all activities offered by the school and, where necessary, additional adult support will be available to assist your child during after school activities and on school trips. Parents will be asked to meet with staff to plan appropriate support where necessary.
How accessible is the school environment?
Treetops School is a modern school building which is fully wheelchair accessible. The school is fully accessible to all pupils and there are security systems throughout school to maximise safety and pupil independence.
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?
Admission to Reception: Our EYFS team work closely with the nurseries to ensure that pupils who are named in our intake start transition as early as possible. This may include our EYFS staff attending Annual Review meetings at the nursery, visits by our staff to the nursery setting to observe the child, the child visiting the school and the classroom and finally the child visiting the school on our moving up day to be with all our new intake.
Entering School: Where a child in the primary phase moves to us during the school year we make every effort to ensure a smooth transition. If this happens quickly, it is not always possible but usually it would involve a visit by the new class teacher to the current school to observe, followed by a few afternoon sessions here with the new class and then finally starting full time.
Class to class: In the summer term, the new teacher will drop in to observe children with their current teacher and on occasion to teach sessions. We have a moving up day in July when all our pupils move to their new classes to spend the day with their new teacher. A parents evening in September/October is held to allow parents to meet the teacher.
Entry to school at year 7: We have a Key Stage 3 Leader who liaises with primary schools to get to know the pupils’ needs. She will also observe the young person, where possible, in class. The young person will be invited to attend the moving up day in July when all our pupils move to their new classes to spend the day with their new teacher. A parents evening in September/October is held to allow parents to meet the teacher.
16 plus: In year 10 and 11 all of our pupils may attend open days at the local colleges. They also attend careers conventions to get an idea of what pathways may be available. In year 10 pupils undertake 10 days of work experience which is carefully coordinated by one of our teachers. In year 11 pupils attend open days again and once their final placement has been chosen, start the transition process which is outlined by the local colleges or our 6th Form.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?
Pupils will be allocated resources based on their individual needs. If, in exceptional circumstances, we consider that a pupil needs extra resources, we will apply to the LA for more funding.
How will the school decide how much money is spent on my child?
The budget is used to provide the wide range of support outlined above. Your child will have access to this support according to their specific needs. Support for pupils will be outlined in their education, health and care (EHC) plans. Information from parents, other professionals and school staff will be used to plan support, which will be paid for by the school.
How will I be involved in discussions about, and planning for, my child’s education?
Teachers will meet with you at academic and pastoral meetings to discuss your child’s progress. All parents and carers of children will also have the opportunity to discuss progress and plans with staff at the EHCP review meeting. Positive parental involvement in school life is always welcome and feedback is encouraged.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Research shows that parental involvement has a significant impact on the progress that pupils will make in school. We encourage regular communication with parents and carers, and pupils are given regular homework.
Specialist staff members are able to offer advice on how to support your child’s learning.
Who can I contact for further information?
Your child’s teacher is the first person to talk to. You can contact them via phone on 01375 372723, or via email at
We will endeavour, where possible, to respond the same day if that is not possible then within 24 hours.